Local businesses working together to give back

Nganga Igbo cultural performance group

The Project in a Nutshell:

This project aims to showcase Nigerian Igbo culture at the Cardiff Mela Festival through traditional dance performances, handmade accessories, arts, crafts, music, and dance instruments. The goal is to highlight the unique artistic talents of the Igbo community, offering an enriching experience for diverse audiences with exceptional dance attires, choreography, and performances.

    Why This Matters:

      The project will benefit both the Igbo community and the broader public in Wales by raising awareness and appreciation of Igbo cultural heritage. Engaging with various communities, it aims to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of Igbo talents and traditions, ultimately leading to future workshops and cultural exchanges across Wales. It aims to build inclusive communities where everyone feels valued by facilitating cultural exchange and collaboration, thereby strengthening relationships and enhancing the cultural landscape of Wales.