Local businesses working together to give back

Unity in Diversity

The Project in a Nutshell:

The project needed to secure funding for rental of the hall and kitchen at York Place Baptist Church in Swansea, where Unity in Diversity conducts weekly drop-in sessions, provides social interaction opportunities, and offers English classes for asylum seekers and refugees. The requested funds will cover the increased monthly rent costs and sustain the organization’s volunteer-led efforts.

    Why This Matters:

    This initiative is crucial for maintaining a safe and supportive space for asylum seekers and refugees in Swansea. The hall and kitchen serve as a sanctuary, offering weekly sessions, meals, and English classes. Without secure funding, the continuity of these services is at risk, potentially causing the loss of invaluable support for this vulnerable group. Aligning with the priority of “Caring for Vulnerable People,” this project addresses a pressing need in the community.